Hi Reader, I got my author copies!!
Reviewers Rock!!Y'all are the best. I've been seeing reviews of Obsidian Prince pop up on Goodreads and Bookbub, and they are super appreciated. Honest reviews are the best way you can help me. The more you can tell folks what you thought of the Liliana books, the more Liliana books there will be. Don't forget to post your thoughts on your own social media accounts, too! It doesn't matter if you only have a few followers on Facebook or whatever. You're still talking to folks who have probably never heard of these books, and if you liked them, they might, too. If you didn't get an advanced reader copy, but are still up for reviewing, here's the link: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/wjd4j0osoo I think I got it out already to everyone who said they wanted to be part of the advanced review team, but at least one friend got totally missed because I fat-fingered something. Don't want anyone to get left out because I goofed. If you already got your copy and are about ready to review now, here's where: Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/review/new/220233757-obsidian-prince Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/review/create-review/error?ie=UTF8&channel=glance-detail&asin=B0DJPZ92GB (Available on Tuesday, Nov 12.) If you already reviewed on Bookbub or Goodreads, I know it's a pain, but I'd really appreciate it if you reviewed on Amazon, too, once they start allowing reviews on launch day. Launch Day!!This Tuesday, November 12 is officially the day Obsidian Prince launches. If you pre-ordered, your copy should be in your hands very soon. If you are starting late in the series, I believe the publisher will put the electronic version of book 1, Precise Oaths, on sale around the launch of the new book. Reviews are always appreciated! Obsidian Prince will be up on Fresh Fiction, and various Instagram accounts will be talking about it as the book makes its Instagram tour. If you have an author blog or something similar, I'd be delighted to guest post or do an interview, or anything along those lines. I did an interview as Liliana once, and that was a lot of fun. Might be interesting to do one as Alexander. On the radio: I was scheduled to be live on the radio tomorrow in Austin withhttps://www.instagram.com/mindy_f_reed/ but there was a bit of a snafu. I'll still be on Mindy Reed's show, but on November 24 instead. If you're in the Austin area, be sure to tune in to Writing on the Air on KOOP. https://koop.org/program/writing-on-the-air/ LifeIn my last newsletter, I mentioned a sort of good news bad news situation on the job front. So, the bad news is, I got let go Oct 8. Good news, I started a new, hopefully much better job Oct 31. Best news: The nicest part of all that was I got essentially a month's pay in severance. And since I was already interviewing for the new job when I got let go, I wasn't stressed out. It was like a long vacation with pay. And, I had already planned ten days off at the end of October to visit family and go to an SCA event. Back to bad news. My husband got sick for the whole week before we were scheduled to head north to Oklahoma to visit relatives I hadn't seen in ages. I didn't call anyone ahead of time and schedule anything because I wasn't sure until the last minute that we were going. We delayed two days past our planned departure time, but he finally started feeling better. I had to do all the packing that should have been done leisurely over a week, frantically over a day. But, we finally headed out. Good news for all the folks who knew about our constant problems with the previous RV, the new RV was glorious. Everything worked. It was easy to get where we were going, easy to hook up, and luxuriously comfortable. I'd rather stay in that thing than in a hotel. Super nice. It's a Sundowner, made by the same folks who make horse trailers, so it's very well-built, and it's even pretty inside with wood cabinets. My only gripe is that it was clearly intended for 6 ft tall or taller guys. Everything is way up high, but if having to pack a step stool is the worst thing about it, that's pretty awesome. Excellent news. I got to visit with at least some of my relatives while I was in Oklahoma. Visited a half sister, aunt and uncle, and two cousins, and met one cousin's wife for the first time. I have cool relatives. It was great getting to reconnect with a few. Bad news was that I only got to visit a few of my very large extended family due to the shortened trip time, and not being able to arrange anything ahead of time because of the uncertainty about when or if we were going to go. Very bad news was that I could only talk to one cousin on the phone. He was in the hospital very sick. Fingers crossed for a fast recovery. I had to work at the new job on Friday to keep health insurance coverage without a gap, so no visiting anyone. The RV park was pleasant to work at, and the new job seems like it's going to be right up my alley. The final weekend of the trip was supposed to be a big SCA archery tournament/thrown weapons and siege weapons class event in Oklahoma. I'd hoped to participate in the kingdom championship qualifying archery tourney, and connect with the guy I've been talking to for a year about being his student in missile weapons. (The student/teacher thing is a big deal in the SCA. Like becoming squire to a knight, but with flying pointy things rather than swords and shields. Master and padawan if you're a Star Wars fan.) Big, bad, nasty weather was predicted for the weekend, so the event was cancelled. We fled the area just ahead of a bunch of rain and some tornadoes, two days earlier than we'd planned. Overall, my planned 10 day trip ended up being about 6 days. Cool thing happened, though, on the way home. We passed through a town near where my hopefully future missile weapons Yoda lives. He and his wife were in town, taking kids to regional band competition. We had a long lunch, talked about what I was looking for in a teacher, and he said, final decision will be at War of the Rams, down in south Texas, an event that Joe and I already planned to go to. So, signs are looking very good! PicturesI adopted a new cat a few months ago, who has the longest tail of any cat on earth, I think. She's slowly adapting to us. Loves my lap, but is still a bit nervous and jumpy about ... everything else.
I usually post a lot about gardening, but my garden has been badly neglected this year. The extra rainy spring we got and decently rainy fall means our creek has been running all year. The roses and other plants have largely been doing their own thing, with me struggling to at least keep the weeds from taking over. My double delight roses knocked it out of the park this year despite the neglect.
The daisies have gone crazy and taken over half the yard. The painted patch butterfly caterpillars were so prolific in the daisies that I have literally hundreds of the pretty little guys fluttering around every time I go outside.
I always see giant sulphurs and other types of big yellow butterflies playing in my Mother's Turk's cap plants, but they do not like sitting still when humans with cameras come their way. I finally got one picture this week.
The monarchs migrated through just before I left on my trip. I only got a few pics, and they were all gone by the time I got home again.
That's all for now. Thanks for reading! I'll let you know when I have more information, and please, forward this to anyone you think would be interested in my personal brand of quirky fantasy fiction. Cheers, Paige Alis volat propriis |
I am a science fiction, fantasy, and paranormal romantic suspense author. I’m represented by Michelle Hauck of Storm Literary. City Owl Press will be publishing the first novel in my Liliana the Spider Seer series in June of 2023! So, don't miss it. Paige E. Ewing, my maiden name, is my sci fi and fantasy nom de plume. I also write a lot of technical articles, blogs, etc. for my day job in analytics software using my married name, Paige Roberts.
Hi Reader, I hope you had happy holidays! You have been great, supporting me on social media, and posting reviews, and generally telling folks about my books, and I wanted to say thanks and do something nice back for you. Short Story So, I put this short story, Ariadne and the Prince, on BookFunnel: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/gm88mks3rr Click the link and enjoy the story. Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Good Yule, Happy New Year, and Thanks! I had intended to write you a brand new story for...
Hi Reader, Launch day was yesterday and it was all kinds of cool. Instagram book folks are promoing Obsidian Prince everywhere! I mostly wanted to jump on to let everyone know that the Precise Oaths ebook is on sale on Amazon for the next few days. If there's anyone you think might enjoy the series, send them this link: https://www.amazon.com/Precise-Oaths-paranormal-romance-Fayetteville-ebook/dp/B0C4ZJH81L I just recorded an episode of Mindy Reed's Writing on the Air for KOOP radio in...
Hi Reader, Buckle up, this is going to be a long one. I've got a lot to tell you. (TL/DR version: Pre-order Obsidian Prince now! And ping me back if you want an advanced copy for reviewing.) Some better news than last time, but it's going to sound bad at first. I was let go from my day job on Monday. But, I wasn't happy there, and had already been interviewing with another company. I also felt like I desperately needed a vacation. So, I now have a few weeks off, with a decent severance...