Hi Reader,
(Something weird happened and half the pics didn't load, just the captions. Not even sure how to do that if I wanted to. I blame satellite internet on the cruise ship. Here's my second attempt.)
Launch day for Explosive Chemistry, book 2 of the Fae of Fayetteville books, is sneakin up on me fast. I've been madly getting day job work squared away, getting packed, traveling, boarding, and finally got to go snorkeling with my family yesterday in the Grand Cayman islands. More about the Great Ortiz Family Vacation further down.
Advanced copies of Explosive Chemistry are here!
Click this link to join the review team and get your free advanced reviewer copy of Explosive Chemistry. It would be a huge help!
You can also get advanced copies for review on BookSprout and NetGalley instead if you're already registered there:
BookSprout: https://booksprout.co/reviewer/review-copy/view/140979/explosive-chemistry
NetGalley: https://www.netgalley.com/catalog/book/307923
Reviews need to go on Goodreads for now, until official launch date of Nov 21.
It's up for pre-order now! Here are the links:
Amazon: https://amzn.to/46dIIVa
Universal link: https://books2read.com/Liliana2UBL
I've been doing a bunch of promo for Explosive Chemistry on line, written interviews and such, plus a few on Zoom or recorded. I even did one yesterday on deck.
My first reviewer on Goodreads called this series "a hidden gem." I have to say, it would be great if it could be a bit less hidden. If you enjoyed Precise Oaths, please let everyone know. The biggest challenge I'm facing is somehow letting people who might be interested know the series exists. Seems like the folks who do manage to find it, enjoy it. So, the books are good, I just need as much help as I can get spreading the word.
Promo Schedule
I'll be LIVE in person and signing copies of Explosive Chemistry at the Dragon's Lair in Austin at 2438 W Anderson Ln. B1, Austin, TX 78757 on Nov 25 between noon and 2 PM. Hope to see as many of you as can make it there.
A replay of a recent author interview on All Roads Lead 35 Max Radio is linked here.
Got an interview or three coming up on The Table Read Magazine.
One written interview has gone to The Motherhood Moment, but I'm not sure when it will be live.
A written interview is headed to The Reading Nook.
I'm scheduled on Scalzi's The Big Idea for Nov 28.
And there will be an author feature on Explosive Chemistry in Texas Lifestyle Magazine Dec 1.
And I haven't even started my blog tour yet. Whee. Hopefully, some of this will move the needle on getting the books noticed by the folks who like that sort of book. But nothing beats word of mouth and reviews folks can see where they look for them. Y'all are my best bet for getting the word out.
For over a year, I've been looking forward to this vacation, and it's finally happening. My daughter, son-in-law, two grandsons, and 45 of my son-in-law's family are all on this same vacation. As I'm writing this, I'm on a big cruise ship, headed for South America. We stopped off in the Grand Cayman islands, and I got to go snorkeling, first over a ship wreck, and then over a coral reef.
(Young woman in a black bathing suit with purple swim fins and a snorkel swimming underwater over a reef. |
I kept trying to get a pic of these tiny black fish with purple dots, but they were too far away to get a good pic from the water's surface, and when I swam down toward them, they darted away. This is the best one I got:
Right after we went snorkeling, my husband got sick. He's been spending the last two days mostly in bed, running a fever between 99 and 102. So, I didn't get off the boat in Costa Rica. Too worried about him to leave the ship all day with him stuck in the cabin running a fever. My daughter, her husband, and best friend all went ziplining through the rainforest without us.
Disappointed, but I really enjoyed relaxing in the quiet, comfy deck chairs with the pleasant cool breeze, and hardly anyone else on board. Joe ventured out of the cabin enough to join me on the mostly empty deck.
We hit our last port day after tomorrow, and we booked an excursion to a resort with a gigantic pool right next to the beach. Here's hoping my husband is feeling better by then.
As much as this cruise is not going to plan, I'm still super-enjoying not being tied to my work computer. I haven't gotten much writing done even. I've just been exploring the ship, and sitting in the warm breezes, and just - not working. It's glorious.
Since it wouldn't be an email from me without some flower or butterfly pics. Here's a couple of pictures of the roses from my garden that I put in a nice vase a few days before we left.
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Will send more info soon!
Alis volat propriis
I am a science fiction, fantasy, and paranormal romantic suspense author. I’m represented by Michelle Hauck of Storm Literary. City Owl Press will be publishing the first novel in my Liliana the Spider Seer series in June of 2023! So, don't miss it. Paige E. Ewing, my maiden name, is my sci fi and fantasy nom de plume. I also write a lot of technical articles, blogs, etc. for my day job in analytics software using my married name, Paige Roberts.
Hi Reader, I hope you had happy holidays! You have been great, supporting me on social media, and posting reviews, and generally telling folks about my books, and I wanted to say thanks and do something nice back for you. Short Story So, I put this short story, Ariadne and the Prince, on BookFunnel: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/gm88mks3rr Click the link and enjoy the story. Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Good Yule, Happy New Year, and Thanks! I had intended to write you a brand new story for...
Hi Reader, Launch day was yesterday and it was all kinds of cool. Instagram book folks are promoing Obsidian Prince everywhere! I mostly wanted to jump on to let everyone know that the Precise Oaths ebook is on sale on Amazon for the next few days. If there's anyone you think might enjoy the series, send them this link: https://www.amazon.com/Precise-Oaths-paranormal-romance-Fayetteville-ebook/dp/B0C4ZJH81L I just recorded an episode of Mindy Reed's Writing on the Air for KOOP radio in...
Hi Reader, I got my author copies!! Reviewers Rock!! Y'all are the best. I've been seeing reviews of Obsidian Prince pop up on Goodreads and Bookbub, and they are super appreciated. Honest reviews are the best way you can help me. The more you can tell folks what you thought of the Liliana books, the more Liliana books there will be. Don't forget to post your thoughts on your own social media accounts, too! It doesn't matter if you only have a few followers on Facebook or whatever. You're...