
Hi! I'm Paige E. Ewing,

I am a science fiction, fantasy, and paranormal romantic suspense author. I’m represented by Michelle Hauck of Storm Literary. City Owl Press will be publishing the first novel in my Liliana the Spider Seer series in June of 2023! So, don't miss it. Paige E. Ewing, my maiden name, is my sci fi and fantasy nom de plume. I also write a lot of technical articles, blogs, etc. for my day job in analytics software using my married name, Paige Roberts.

Paige E. Ewing, author of the Liliana and the Fae of Fayetteville series,  will be at Armadillocon 2024 Sept 6-8.
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Armadillocon, requisite butterflies, and a new book coming out!

Hi Reader, I know, I know, I haven't sent a newsletter out in over six months. There have been some major very bad things happening in my personal life and a few good ones as well. The combination has made it crazy hard for me to find time and energy just to write, much less write a letter to everyone about writing. Since I last wrote a Words and Wild newsletter I lost a day job I'd had for five years, gained a new day job, lost a beloved young dog unexpectedly, had my car totaled by a...

Hi Reader, It's been a busy month! I'm getting some great reviews on Explosive Chemistry, but the numbers on them are pretty low. If you've been meaning to write a review, I can sure use it! Writing News LOTS of new promotional stuff out on the web by me, mostly interviews, but also a Liliana prequel story! And a cool article. Motherhood Moment published an interview. The Reading Nook published an interview. The Frumious Consortium published an Explosive Chemistry excerpt. The Table Read has...

Hi Reader, (Something weird happened and half the pics didn't load, just the captions. Not even sure how to do that if I wanted to. I blame satellite internet on the cruise ship. Here's my second attempt.) Liliana and the Fae of Fayetteville Launch day for Explosive Chemistry, book 2 of the Fae of Fayetteville books, is sneakin up on me fast. I've been madly getting day job work squared away, getting packed, traveling, boarding, and finally got to go snorkeling with my family yesterday in the...

Hi Reader, Writing News I was interviewed on Spectrum News for October book month last Friday! It was broadcast all over Texas this past weekend. They gave me the video, so you can see how it went. I was the third author interviewed, and cut the video down a bit so I could post it easier, but the second author, Cecelia Rene, writes cool historical romance with historically accurate people of color in regency England. I got an autographed copy and that's some excellent writing, so check her...

Hi Reader, Writing News I was interviewed on Spectrum News for October book month last Friday! It was broadcast all over Texas this past weekend. They gave me the video, so you can see how it went. I was the third author interviewed, and cut the video down a bit so I could post it easier, but the second author, Cecelia Rene, writes cool historical romance with historically accurate people of color in regency England. I got an autographed copy and that's some excellent writing, so check her...

Hi Reader, Since I finished the first couple chapters of the technical book I've been working on (Up and Running with Aerospike), O'Reilly sent me some money. I promptly spent it and more to get help from PR by the Book on publicizing the Liliana and the Fae of Fayetteville series. In particular, they're ramping up publicity for the next book in the series, Explosive Chemistry. It's in final copy edits with the publisher, and we've settled on a cover design, so COMING SOON! I'll keep you...

Hi Reader, Hail and welcome! I'm all kinds of excited to head to Austin tomorrow for Armadillocon, my favorite event of the year. Aug 4 – 7 – Armadillocon in Austin, TX at Omni Southpark hotel. I will, of course, bring copies of Precise Oaths, which will be available in the dealer's room, or you can get copies directly from me when I'm scheduled for autographing. I will also have copies of my superhero books, The Protectors and The Damson Dragon Diary, which are out of print now. This event...

Hi Reader, Liliana the Spider Seer Countdown to Precise Oaths launch: 5 days!! Getting super close to launch day for Precise Oaths. It's been getting excellent reviews from lots of folks. I'd love to add you to the list of advanced reviewers. Just download an advanced copy of Precise Oaths here, and post your review here. Be sure to only download an advanced copy if you're pretty sure you can give me a review in the next few days. Every review pre-launch goes a long way to helping make the...